Saturday, September 25, 2010


Who lives sees much. Who travels sees more. ~Arab proverb

So the time has come to travel again, this time, back "home." Here is my room as I was arranging what I had accumulated over the last three months from the SHOPPING capital!! It may look messy to you, but I am very organized and know where everything is. Believe it or not, packing is a panacea - MY panacea - for relaxation! Those very few of you who have "experienced" me pack know that my methodical system works!

Earlier today, I went across the hall to Manisha's room while she was packing. Due to the greatly accumulated clothes/shoes/souvenirs, etc., she was unable to fit everything in her very large suitcase. The look of shock over how she placed everything in it, like it was a dresser drawer, was pretty evident. I cannot hide my emotions very well and followed my jaw-dropping "oh my goodness!" with belly laughter!! Her sibblings were hilarious as they joined in .... Alpa, her sister, giggles just like her and Sachin, her brother is mischievous (like me). Just because you're older, doesn't mean you lose that childhood quality!!!

Needless to say, I rolled up my sleeves, knelt on the floor and packed her suitcase with the help of her sibbling. Although there was a good amount of room to spare, she already reached the weight limit! Pictured are Sachin, me and Alpa at one of the malls!! We were only together for a few days but I felt as if I've known them a lifetime. Perhaps, our connection was sparked with all of the information that Manisha and I shared logging in countless miles on the treadmill of the air-conditioned gym!! Even with Manisha's mom ... there was something that just made us connect. When she said goodbye to me from the open door of her room, she called me "betha" which means my daughter.
I held my tears back with all my might, only to walk a few feet down the hallway and lose it in a firm embrace with Manisha! Together we cried like two little girls ... two sisters ...

Here we are at graduation! If you want to check out her blog, please visit her on She is an amazing, strong, fiercely independent, super intelligent, young lady who strives to make a difference in the lives of others and (as you will see through her blog) in the world.