Saturday, October 2, 2010


And so the end of my journey has arrived and I have sincerely learned a lot – about the world, about its political situation, about other cultures, about myself – but I’ve also learned that this world still has much to teach me!! As a perpetual student, I will seek continue to seek opportunities to always keep learning. This will allow gratitude, appreciation and humility to enter and flow from my heart, like the natural flow of a river …

As I conclude with final thoughts from my Time through Thailand, my hope is that I “opened YOUR eyes” to a different part of the world, OUR world, and provided you with the knowledge to listen more (that is why we have two ears and one mouth – so we can listen twice as much as we speak) and to open your heart to new cultures. By being grateful, appreciative and open, one cannot fail to shine, like a diamond! Through this experience and others may you savor life, and as Eric Bibb sings, "fly" and "SHINE ON.".